After a turbulent year in 2016, the Australian mining industry is readying itself to grow and boom in 2017. 2016 saw a decline for Australian mining with China's growing mining sector, the global price of iron ore and coal in a rut, and lack of enthusiasm from investors.
However, some economists are inspiring hope, predicting these conditions to ease in 2017 and make way for anothermining boom.
Australia is investing in innovation in 2017. In the competitive market, companies are rethinking old technology, bringing them up-to-date and reshaping mining in Australia.
Automation is the most sought out function with the one machine able to perform more and more unique actions. Rio Tinto, BHP, Roy Hill, and Fortescue are continually striving in implementing autonomous hauling systems.
The industry will have to face changes like these head on and embrace any and all new technology in the fight tostay competitive.